chrome hearts

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Dare to say love you, even life's mantra do not know

play him.
anime little friends,
come on ~ it's said that like a person for a long time,
will become more and more like him / her.
From words and deeds to manners to appearances,
more and more his / her shadow.
Is it really sauce? I've loved Conan for so long.
Look at the mud.
Are we like each other? In the two dimension,
who is your destiny? All day long,
life to the fate of the mud Meng their own life and know how much? Well,
start with the mantra of life! Sunspot: sister adult,
my wife said,
am I the only one who feels the two expressions are in sync? Shana: no way no way no way match match match Saber: Tu Lang * * is the enemy of thousands of anti Ailiu Tian: I wonder Mashiro Shiina: hentai.
Shiina Mayuri: doodle Lulu Code: good with three

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